The path was not easy, but our limited edition of cotton and cashmere haramakis for this winter is now available: the Tricot collection. How could it be otherwise, at Happy Belly Barcelona we continue to bet on sustainable and local production, and today we share with you the "making off" of these very special haramakis.
For the making of this Haramaki, we place our trust inCHIC Barcelona , a company located in Sabadell that has been creating small productions of knitting for more than 30 years, using natural, organic and recycled materials, among others, as well as machinery and sustainable processes. And we couldn't be happier with the result!
Santi and Núria made us participants in the process from minute one. It took patience, creativity and more than one prototype to come up with the final prototype. But when we asked them about the main challenges involved in creating this haramaki tricot, they answered that the hardest part was... learning the name! We assure you that there were many more.

When choosing the thread, we took into account that it is a garment that can be worn in contact with the skin and therefore choosing the right material was essential. As we also wanted to add an extra point of warmth for the coldest haramaki lovers , we opted for the Cleopatra yarn, made up of 90% organic cotton and 10% cashmere. It is from the Italian company Filidea and has all the certificates and guarantees of sustainable production.
As you already know, haramaki is a fully functional garment and we had to test with different types of knits, densities and finishes. Assuming that there are also people who like to use it on top of their clothes, we bet on the full stitch, one of the most laborious because being denser, it is more difficult to nail the piece to the knitting needles.

Launching the Tricot collection has been quite a challenge, but those who already have it or have been able to see it and touch it live fall in love instantly because of how good it looks and because of that extra warm and delicate hug you feel when wearing it.