Today in the Happy Belly profile series we discover Genia Valla. Our photographer is also a great artist, a sensitive and lucid woman, mother and friend.

This is how he answered the 12 questions:

  1. Name and/or nickname:
    genius fence

  2. Age:

  3. Where were you born, where did you grow up?
    I was born in the Ukraine, grew up partly there and part of my youth was spent in the Czech Republic.

  4. Who are you in a few characters?
    I am a woman, I know, because I feel the feminine energy and I would not change it for anything; I am a mother, I was one long before my children were born; I am a partner for my life partner, daughter, sister, friend, partner... I am also a photographer, the person who tries to understand life, reflect on it and question it through images.

  5. What do you do for a living?
    Apart from photographing, I teach boys and girls to explore the world through images. I teach creative photography workshops sowing small seeds, which I hope will somehow become values ​​in the future such as appreciating beauty, trusting oneself and respecting the work of others.

  6. At what point in life are you? What moves or interests you?
    Life itself moves me. I am in THE moment, when I try to get rid of the noise around me and stay alone with the essence of life. Feel and transmit the love for beauty in all its variants.

  7. If you could spend a day in the skin of another being, what would it be?
    I would say that I would like to be the sea, and experience how it feels to embrace the land, give life to so many species and also inspire so many people.

  8. A perfect day for you is…
    The perfect day is when I dedicate part of it to creation and another part to my family within the analog world, without cell phones, televisions, computers, etc...

  9. A colour
    Right now the tile color

  10. One Love
    My children

  11. A song

  12. a parting phrase
    Before starting any journey, you have to heal your relationship with yourself. It is the most important thing that exists, because I see it as the foundation that sustains everything around us. /

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